Office Productivity Software For Mac

Office Productivity Software Software For Mac

Today we are going to share the list of productivity software for Mac users.

So stay tuned. Table Of Contents Productivity Browser Office Email Client Vector Graphics PDF Reader E-Book Library Personal Cloud Note-taking Mind mapping Chat Client Diagram Wiki Web Development Clipboard Productivity Browser Firefox Browser is a free, open-source software a privacy concerned browser with a lot of features.

Office Libre Office is a free, open-source software a powerful office suite.

office productivity software for mac

Vector Graphics Inkscape is a free, open-source software for editing vector graphics.

PDF Reader Sumatra is a free, open-source software for viewing PDF, ePub, MOBI, CHM, XPS, DjVu, CBZ, CBR.

E-Book Library Calibre is a free, open-source software for managing all e-book in a place.

Personal Cloud Nextcloud is a free, open-source software a self-hosted cloud with few applications.

Note-taking Simplenote is a free, open-source software a note-taking application.

Mind mapping Freemind is a free, open-source software used for mind mapping.

Chat Client Tox is a free, open-source software a privacy concerned chat client.

Diagram Dia is a free, open-source software to draw structured diagrams.

Evince is a free, open-source software used to view multiple document formats.

Wiki Zim is a free, open-source software used for editing text and maintaining a collection of wiki pages.

Web Development Aptana Studio is a free, open-source software used to build web applications quickly and easily using web application IDE.

Clipboard Ditto is a free, open-source software used as an advanced clipboard application.

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