How To Put A Box Around Type In Word For Mac Os

Put A Box Around Type In Word Zip File From Someone

For the most part, receiving a zip file from someone you know or that contains files you know would be too large to send through normal email channels is completely normal.

When Im not writing, you can find me geeking out, gaming and spending time with my family.

Read more August 23, 2019 Over the past five years, Apple has switched from using disk-based hard drives to SSDs (solid-state drives) on almost every computer model they sell.

Put A Box Around Type In Word Mac And Mac

From the MacBook Air and 12 MacBook to the newest generation of MacBook Pros, even up to their iMac and Mac Pro line of desktop computers, Apple has decided that the best choice for storage is SSDs.

Flash-based SSDs provide better, faster performance and long lifespans than disk-based hard drives, as well as near-instant computer startups, minimal application launch times, and a slimmer profile.

SSDs are clearly the future of computing storage, and its not surprising Apple has discontinued traditional or hybrid drives for their computers.

But there is a trade-off to the benefits of SSDs: GB for GB, theyre more expensive than HDDs.

Generally, you can expect to pay twice as much for the same amount of storage, though the cost of SSD has been dropping every year.

Instead of raising prices, manufacturers like Apple have simple cut storage capacity.

Where older devices might have had 500GB or even a terabyte worth of storage, your new MacBook Pro may only have 256GB in its place.

The easy way out of this conundrum is to purchase a few external hard drives to keep with your device (perhaps an Apple-made 2TB Time Capsule).

If you absolutely have to keep your documents, videos, and other files on your device or, even more likely, you have to share them with someone else online the easiest way to do it is through zipping your files on macOS.

Zipping, or compressing, a file makes it easy to save some space on your hard drive, and also makes it easy to share those documents and folders with someone through a file sharing service such as Dropbox or Google Drive.

Zipping your files can compress them down to a much smaller size, saving up to 80 percent of storage room while maintaining the original quality of the information once the file has been decompressed.

how to put a box around type in word for mac os

Of course, this can be pretty confusing if youve never compressed a file before, so lets take a look at how its done.

how to put a box around type in word for mac os

Zip itself refers to the file type of a compressed file,.zip, which is supported by both macOS and Windows, along with other operating systems such as Android.

Though modern operating systems can view the contents of a zipped folder without having to unzip or decompress the files inside, you typically need to decompress the file before you can use any of the zipped files.

So, when should and shouldnt you zip a file Typically, if you are trying to send someone a file over the internet, through email or other means, and the file is too large to upload to the server, you will want to make sure you have compressed the file down in size.

This will allow the service youre using to easily send the file over the web, without having to worry about your recipient not being able to access the file.

That said, thanks to cloud-based services that have far higher file size limits than those available from email providers in the 2000s, its easier than ever to send and upload your work without having to compress it.

Of course, there are still benefits to zipping files, such as reduced data usage if your internet is limited, and faster upload if you have a poor internet connection.

Use Caution When Opening Zip Files We cannot explain zip files without also offering a word of warning regarding the security of using and downloading zip files onto your computer.

While there is not anything inherently dangerous about zip files on their own, they can often be used for malicious practices, loaded with dangerous content by someone who intends to cause harm to your computer.