Best Survival Games For Mac

best survival games for mac

Thermometer in hand the zoologist cautiously approaches the timid Shaleback King.

Moreover survival gaming requires a substantial time investment.

Who wants to spend all that time gathering supplies, building stamina, fortifications and the like, all on a game that turns out to be as exciting as watching paint dry.

On the flip side who wants to miss out on the fun of joining your friends in an immersive RPG sandbox that could change the very meaning of your existence in the universe hey it could happen.

This guide will help you pick the best from that overcrowded niche and make that next purchase worth its weight in Ender Pearls.

best survival games for mac

I love the graphics, and you can randomly generate new 3D worlds for your 2D characters, it reminds me of a storybook version of The Nightmare Before Christmas.

Best to have a few or a lot of friends to team up with because resupply and fortification can get a bit tedious when your technology starts to evolve.

But hey, who ever said that pimpin Dinosaurs was easy I prefer my survival with a lot of action and even more adventure, and Studio Wildcard did not disappoint.

Though I use the term zombie loosely, the infected arent actually undead, but if it walks like a duck.

Most of your time will be spent finding supplies and building fortifications, however the night belongs to the infected as does the mist that rolls through occasionally, so keep your health up.

Every night the killing goes down and the next day comes the hangings.

If you are good at lying and lie detecting then you should be ashamed of yourself, but you should do very well in the Town of Salem.

As fun as running around naked might be, you had better find some clothing to ward of the cold, fire and shelter will also help.

Rust is a must play, its like my Grandfather use to say, Sonny boy, the hallmark of any good survival game is naked cannibalism.

Defeat other players in battle or take on the computer in single play when you fashion your very own version of Schwarzeneggar, or more recently Momoa, in this Funcom iteration of the Barbarian universe.

All of the action you would expect from an open Barbarian world.

Unbelievably imagined and detailed beasts, monsters, and giants to fight, as well as other players.

I have always placed a premium on games with great graphics, and this is one of my favorites.

But the real fun comes when you take on other players as you fight to stay alive and eventually form alliances, or raid and repel to protect what is yours.

Though this FPS is still in early access, I believe it is a worthwhile investment.

Fashioned for more hardcore gamers, Bankroll Studios designed a deep survival multiplayer minus the triviality.

I still believe that Bankroll will pull things together because of the enormous fan support that they initially received.

Beware of radioactive dead zones and anyone that is not your ally.